Terms of Use

1. Introduction

The use of this website (hereinafter  www.decosportsinfra.com) is subject to the terms of privacy and use policy set forth below. The use of www.decosportsinfra.com a presumption that the visitor / user has studied, understood and accepted all the terms of use of  www.decosportsinfra.com. In case the visitor / user does not agree with the terms of use of this, he must not use the services and content of Deco Sports Infra. These terms of use may be revised and updated at any time and without notice. Please check the terms of use of Deco Sports Infra at regular intervals, as its continued use implies that you accept these changes.

More specifically, we urge you, before visiting or using the Website of Deco Sports Infra to carefully read the following terms of privacy and usage policy.

Visiting or using the website Deco Sports Infra constitutes a presumption that the visitor has read and understood completely agrees with the privacy policy and the terms of this Website. Deco Sports Infra reserves the right, in case of violation by any visitor, to exclude or delete a user or member.

Minors are not allowed to use the website and its content. The users of the website who are minors are allowed to access the services of Deco Sports Infra only with the consent of their parents or guardians, otherwise the company bears no responsibility.

2. Object

The company with the name DecoSports Infra exists from the wholesale store located at the mentioned address and from the website www.decosportsinfra.com, where its products and services are presented via the Internet.

3. Commitment to the products and services provided

Our company makes every human effort to ensure that the information presented on its website is reliable, valid, true, and complete, and in particular is explicitly committed to the existence of the characteristics described on a case-by-case basis for each product, and for the accuracy of the information regarding the services provided by our online store. The company is not responsible and is not bound by electronic data entries made by mistake (technical or typographical errors), which have escaped attention or have occurred unintentionally and is entitled to correct them whenever it becomes aware of them.

4. Protection of Personal Data

It is widely acknowledged that we have an obligation to protect people in our data, as user privacy and data protection are human rights.

During your visit to our website, you may be asked to voluntarily state your personal information about you (name, surname, email address, shipping address, etc.), which are absolutely necessary and usual as a rule. are required to process your orders or to provide our services or even to send you informative emails. This data is therefore our responsibility and is collected and processed with care, as we expressly warrant that it will not be made available for sale or made public for any reason, except when indicated by a competent judicial or tax authority. Also, the retention time on our part is the absolutely necessary for the processing of our transaction and in any case not longer than the one provided in the current legislation.

The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor / user of Deco Sports Infra is subject to the terms of this privacy policy of our company, as well as to what is provided by national, EU and international law regarding the protection of the individual from processing of personal data, as in force from time to time or as may in the future be provided on the basis of the applicable legal framework. Of course, despite the effort of our company, it can not absolutely guarantee security against all threats that escape its control.

Depending on the above, the visit of our website www.decosportsinfra.com by the user presupposes at regular intervals a basic check on his part for any changes / modifications in the privacy policy of our company, since our company maintains the right to revise this notice without prior notice, in which case a visit to our website will automatically constitute an acceptance of both the privacy policy and its terms of use.

In any case, our website is committed to the protection of our customers’ data, we manage only those that are necessary for business purposes, we use them only for the benefit of our customers and we comply with applicable laws. Having taken all those appropriate technical measures to secure the User’s personal data, we provide limited access only to those of our employees / associates who are required to have access to the data. We take all necessary measures to avoid any unauthorized access, use or modification of this data.

In addition, the use of third party links (links) that refer to other websites does not imply the assumption of responsibility by our company for the respective privacy policy and the terms of use.

5. Use of Cookies

The website Deco Sports Infra may use cookies to identify the visitor / customer, because without them browsing our website may not be fully possible.

More specifically, in order for our company to identify our users, it can collect user data using technologies such as cookies. Cookies are pieces of information (ie a very small text), which are stored in the browser of the computer, mobile phone or tablet (Chrome, Mozilla, etc.) and guarantee the most efficient operation of Deco Sports Infra. Cookies do not cause any harm to users’ computers or to the files stored on them. The information stored in cookies is used for identification, statistics and optimization purposes. Spam bothers us as much as you do. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, however the user has the option to choose whether or not to accept them through a setting provided in the Tools menu of his browser. Deleting them completely is also possible and selectable.

6. Track visits through Google Analytics

As usual, this site also uses the Google Analytics tool to track user interaction, because it is crucial for our business to gather information such as how many users visit our website daily, how they find us, what hours and what critical individual page of Deco Sports Infra they are more interested. However, the presentation through this tool to us of the above information regarding the geographical location of each user, the browsing time, the browser used, etc. does not imply identification of its use by our business, something which, moreover, would not be of interest to us. The complete deletion or deactivation of the above cookies equals the corresponding inability of the Google Analytics tool to receive the above information.

7. Limitation of liability – Statement of disclaimer

The visitor / user of the page of the website Deco Sports Infra understands and accepts that the whole page is provided, “as is” and Deco Sports Infra disclaims any responsibility related to the limited time, the deletion, poor performance or inability to electronically store any data (data) of visitors / users and / or any content of personal pages / services.

More specifically, the website may contain errors (typographical, numerical, etc.) for which our company does not bear any responsibility, while we can not guarantee the smooth and uninterrupted operation of our website without errors or that the use of the website us or our server (server) will be done without “viruses”.

The company can in no case guarantee the perfection, completeness, adequacy and generally the adequacy of the information and the absence of possible errors. Therefore, the visitors / users of Deco Sports Infra, making use of our services on their own initiative, assume the relevant responsibility for cross-referencing the information, while our company through the website Deco Sports Infra has made every effort to depict with the greatest accuracy the products available from it. However, because the final view depends (and) on the user’s screen, there may be a difference from the actual product image, a difference for which our company is not responsible.

Our company also undertakes to keep the information material of its website up to date, however it can not provide any guarantee regarding this.

In addition, we are committed to informing you about the specifications of our product or service with the utmost precision and accuracy, however it is the responsibility of our customer to choose the specifications that suit him accordingly.

8. Intellectual Property Rights and the consequent prohibition of unfair competition practices:

The website www.decosportsinfra.com and all its original content are the exclusive intellectual property of the company and, therefore, are fully protected by the law on intellectual property, as amended and in force today and by the international conventions signed by the Hellas. All content of www.decosportsinfra.com including images, graphics, texts, services provided and in general all the archives of this website, may not be reproduced, retransmitted, published, transmitted, modified, visualized in whole or in part or any exploitation of the content or portion of this site in any way. Any violation of these rights in any way incurs the responsibilities and penalties prescribed by law.

More specifically, the use of the company’s trademarks and marks is prohibited by third parties and our previously guaranteed intellectual property rights are fully recognized by each use, which are protected in accordance with the current legislation on intangible goods and free competition, and explicitly undertake as it omits any infringement of these rights and prevents any such infringement by third parties dealing with it. It goes without saying that it is expressly forbidden for any user / customer to sell the company products or provide related services with the distinctive features of our company, which may cause a risk of confusion to the consumer public or a corresponding risk of associating a third company with our company. because in this way the reputation of our business and our recognition is damaged. It should be noted in this case that the prohibition of unfair competition practices by the users / customers of our company can only be indicative, as unfair competition practices abound.

9. Illegal & delinquent behaviors:

It goes without saying that the customer must follow the basic rules of transactions, which are dictated by good manners and market rules and to refrain from any abusive and illegal use of the content of Deco Sports Infra.

Accordingly, any publication or retransmission of any defamatory or insulting material to the detriment of our company should be strictly avoided, as this would imply the pursuit of civil and criminal liability.

10. Revisions – Applicable Law:

The above terms and conditions of use of the website www.decosportsinfra.com, as well as any modification thereof, are governed and supplemented by Greek law, and competent Courts for the resolution of any dispute that can not be resolved amicably, are defined by the Courts of Thessalonikis. Any provision of the above terms becomes contrary to law, automatically ceases to apply, without in any case affecting the validity of the other terms.

This constitutes the entire agreement between the website and the visitor / user of the page and its services and binds only them. The user who uses this site and its services is presumed to accept these terms unconditionally.

The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor / user of the services of the site is subject to the terms of this section, as well as to the relevant provisions of Greek law.

For any communication with the administrator of www.decosportsinfra.com please send an e-mail to info@decosportsinfra.com

Also if you have found any problems in the content of Deco Sports Infra related to legal or ethical issues, especially regarding its reproduction and the use of copyright, please let us know at www.decosportsinfra.com.

11. Changes to these terms of use

The website www.decosportsinfra.com reserves the right to modify the present terms of use at any time. The continued use of the website after such changes constitutes the formal acceptance of the new terms of use of the website.

Therefore, the user is kindly requested to check these terms for such changes on an occasional basis. In case it does not agree with any provision of these terms or any changes made to them, reserves the right to refrain from further access or use of the website www.decosportsinfra.com